With us everything flows together.

Challenge, change, transformation - whatever you name it. The solution starts with your brand.

Brands have characters, just like people. They are successful and strengthen your company if they are authentic, relevant and differentiating. The impact of your brand is no coincidence, but the result of a planned approach in four steps. We call it BRANDXCELLENCE and use it to strengthen your company in challenging times.
In every project, we start by asking the crucial question of "why". Why do our customers do what they do - it is the starting point that sets everything in motion.
Our strategic compass unfolds on this basis, harmoniously combining all facets of our three consulting fields "Strategy", "Communication" and "Organisation" and bringing them together to form a powerful unit.

BRANDXCELLENCE incorporates our decades of expertise in communication, brands, journalism, design, sales, marketing, leadership in medium-sized companies and corporations, building and changing companies. The added value of our consulting lies in its strategic orientation, personal support and powerful impact. Let's explore your brand identity and positioning together!

What experience do you need for your brand?


With CX - Corporate Branding we determine the identity of your company. We find answers to the questions: What makes you unique? What values do you follow? And to the question of your "why". Your added value? A strong corporate brand creates orientation, trust, enthusiasm and loyalty. Clear brand management automatically results in the optimal alignment of your company and more success through better customer loyalty and customer acquisition.
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Through CX - Employer Branding we create your advantage in the fight for talent. Together we develop your strategy for increased employer attractiveness, more successful recruiting and higher motivation as well as retention of your employees.
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With CX - Destination Branding we shape the brand identity of your city, the region, a whole state or the nation and strengthen your competitiveness as a business location or in tourism. We put the special features of your destination in the spotlight and profile your positive image through appropriate communication measures.
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Through CX - Sustainability Branding, we create an authentic sustainability profile for your brand, making it an essential part of your positioning. We illuminate your sustainability strategy and form the appropriate communication based on it: This creates trust, differentiation and, above all, makes your company fit for the requirements and needs that your customers and employees expect from a contemporary brand.
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