CX workshops – brand development at the highest level

Strong brands aren’t created by themselves – they need to be carefully developed and built. That’s why we rely on an integrative principle: this means that we develop results in our workshops together with the people who encounter the issues on a daily basis: With you and your employees! The reason for this is simple: only if those involved feel heard and integrated will they accept the brand process as their own. This creates the necessary acceptance and motivation to actively help shape it and achieve outstanding results together: in the short and long term.

All the methods used in our workshops are based on proven and scientifically sound techniques and playful tools that serve to answer the respective questions in a targeted, easy and yet concrete way. The methods we use depend on the issue at hand.

We use depth psychology approaches that identify value-related characteristics based on associations, for example, or well-known personality models such as C.G. Jung’s archetype model, which identifies the personality of your brand.

But classic methods such as creating mood pictures, comparing strengths and weaknesses or polarity models also help us to answer questions about the individual ‘Why?’. Even beyond the workshop, well-known and tried-and-tested models such as Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle form the basis of our work.


“People don’t buy what you do,
they buy why you do it.”

Simon SinekSimon Sinek Creator of the Golden Circle

The Golden Circle

Successful companies and managers start with the WHY and then work their way outwards to the HOW and WHAT. This approach appeals to people's emotions and needs and creates a strong bond with the company.

The Golden Circle

Successful companies and managers start with the WHY and then work their way outwards to the HOW and WHAT. This approach appeals to people's emotions and needs and creates a strong bond with the company.

The WHY is the core of the Golden Circle. It describes the deeper meaning and motivation behind a product, a service or a company. The WHY expresses what you stand for as a company and what contribution you want to make to the world. It is about the underlying beliefs, values and principles.


The second level is the HOW. This is about the unique skills, competences and processes with which the WHY is put into practice. The HOW describes the particular approach and methods that differentiate a company from others.


The outer level is the WHAT. This is where the specific products, services or offers that a company provides are described. The WHAT is the visible result of the WHY and HOW.

The WHY is the core of the Golden Circle. It describes the deeper meaning and motivation behind a product, a service or a company. The WHY expresses what you stand for as a company and what contribution you want to make to the world. It is about the underlying beliefs, values and principles.

The second level is the HOW. This is about the unique skills, competences and processes with which the WHY is put into practice. The HOW describes the particular approach and methods that differentiate a company from others.

The outer level is the WHAT. This is where the specific products, services or offers that a company provides are described. The WHAT is the visible result of the WHY and HOW.

Do you know the ‘why’ of your brand?
We'll find out together.

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