Become a strong personal brand! A consistent and strategic personal brand leads to sustainable success and personal growth.

Strong brands create trust and give people orientation, they offer a clear competitive advantage and achieve measurably more profits - utilise the strengths of branding as a person too! Our CX - Personal Branding allows you to realise your full potential. With a sharpened profile as a personal brand, your customers, colleagues and network will know exactly what you stand for and will be more willing to connect with you or support your topics.

You can stand out more easily from others in your field and stay in people's minds better. The benefits of a personal brand are also significant in your personal environment. The increased confidence from the outside helps you to appear more self-assured and the clarity about yourself allows you to make decisions with a good feeling.

Strong personal brands need a clear and conscious identity and the ability to get to the heart of the matter.

One thing is clear: when it comes to ourselves, it's not that easy! That's why an external perspective helps to crystallise the essence - your values, goals, motivation and inner drive. With the help of our methodical approach, we develop a personal brand that builds on this and meets your challenges. Together, we will find out how you can position yourself and support you in making your personal brand visible in a continuous and distinctive way - with a great deal of perseverance, stamina and the optimum strategic basis.

A model that is characterised by its structured and incremental approach:

To realise the full potential of your personal brand, we combine strategic consulting, coaching and powerful communication. Once again, personal branding is all about you! That’s why each phase is developed in close collaboration with you and your personal advisors, who support you throughout the entire process in a spirit of trust and stand by your side as equals – so that you are satisfied and successful.


Personality analysis
  • “What do I want to stand for?” We analyse your goals and your big vision – your big picture.
  • “What characterises me? What drives me?” An authentic, powerful self-image is based on your values and the why behind your activities.
  • “How do others see me?” What similarities and differences are there between how others see you and how you see yourself? And what potential do we already see that you would like to develop as a personal brand?
  • “What makes the people I want to reach tick? What professional and digital world do your target groups live in? (Keyword: relevance)
  • “How do I differentiate myself from others?”Which topics and buzzwords do your competitors use? (optional AI cluster analysis)
  • In-depth analysis based on internal and/or external surveys of your colleagues, customers or partners


Sharpening brand profile

With our participative coaching approach, we reveal the core of your personal brand and bundle it into a clear self-image. To do this, we deepen the individual components of your personal brand and position you in an authentic, differentiating and relevant way!

  • Joint design based on the target definition
  • Virtual and/or live coaching sessions with your personal CX consultants
  • Interactive workshop formats for creative and new perspectives on yourself


Brand positioning

This gives you a clearly positioned personal brand – your brand manifesto! It summarises your self-image and gives you the clarity and self-confidence to profile your own topics and present yourself to the outside world as an attractive brand.


Activate your brand

Now we develop your individual and powerful brand identity! Our creatives see themselves as your consultants throughout the entire process. Whether in image and video, the written or spoken word, the choice of your channels and networks or the realisation of your website and social media presence – together we ensure that everything you do matches the style of your personal brand and brings you closer to your goals both communicatively and strategically.

Find out what brand power lies within you and make it visible. With a clear identity, a powerful message and the necessary stamina, you will become unmissable. Start now with CX - Personal Branding!

So, let's make your personal brand shine together! With real added value, high authenticity and a large portion of passion.

Get in touch now ­­

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